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Microbial Fertilizer

Microbial Fertilizer


1. Foliar spray, root irrigation, seed treatment, fertigation or dip irrigation.

2. One bag dilute with 15-20kg water, seedling reduction.

3. Able to compounded with various insecticides and fungicides, inhibited to compound with alkaline formulations.




This advanced product was developed after years of trail innovation by Nongxin with agronomic research groups at home and abroad. Faced with the massive state of similar products in the market, aiming at increasing production and protecting environment, took advantage of cell nuclear power technology, active 8-10 times than average products.

Product Categories : Fertilizer


1. Fast effect, leaf curling 24 hours after use, yellow leaves turn green, long-lasting effect up to 30 days.

2. Quickly replenish B, Zn, Fe, Mn, K, Mo, Ca and other trace elements needed for plant growth, stimulate plant growth, increase plant uptake of organic matter, enhance plant resistance, reduce fertilizer use, and improve crop quality.

3. Effectively degrades and oxidizes pesticides and the residue remaining in plants, resists double blast and dead of plants, is highly efficient, no toxic, no residual, does not cause fertilizer damage.

Applied plants Effectiveness
Wheat, Paddy,Corn,Grain Developed roots, robust plants, increases tillers, the grouting is accelerated, the spikes are larger and the grain weight increases by 15%-20%
Peanut, Soybean, Cotton Plants grow strong but not boughy, promote flowering and fruiting, retain flowers, increase the rate of podding, the oil yield; the cotton bells would be bigger, the color be better, the toughness is high, the yield increases by 15%-30%.
Melons, Fruit trees, Vegetables, Tobaccos Leaves thick green, better fruit quality, bright color, neat and tidy. Pure taste, juicy sugar. The picking period last long, sell earlier, easy to storage. Increase yield 20%-80%
Flowers, Lawn Break the dormancy, promote the growth and development of roots and leaves, improve the organism toughness, prolong the flowering period, grow well, do not prematurely aging.


1. Foliar spray, root irrigation, seed treatment, fertigation or dip irrigation.

2. One bag dilute with 15-20kg water, seedling reduction.

3. Able to compounded with various insecticides and fungicides, inhibited to compound with alkaline formulations.



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